1996 I was born on November 4, in Coyhaique, Aysen Region. My mom said that it was Monday and a rainy day.
2002 I started the first grade in the Kalem school. I don't remember so much about this jaja :)
2005 Frodo, an albino boxer came into our lives! He was my playmate :)
2010 I graduated from "Basic Education" (8th grade) at the same school. The ceremony was really emotive.

2011 I went to my first rock festival!! It was called "Maquinaria Festival" and the lime up of that year was amazing! Megadeth, Faith no More, Stone Temple Pilots, Primus. Alice in Chains, Sonic Youth and more!
2012 I went to Buenos Aires to a fencing international competition with teammates. We didn't know so much of the city because we were busy.
2014 I graduated from high school! We were the first grade in graduate from Kalem School, so the ceremony was big and very emotive. We cried a LOT!
2015 I began to study Veterinarian Medicine at Universidad de Chile. Also, the same year I Went to my second rock festival: Santiago Gets Louder, with my brother. The most I liked was the concert of Faith no More and System of a Down!
ajaja It's funny, you don't see as someone who like rock dx
ResponderEliminarhahaha , your dog Frodo is very cute , I really love that race of dog , and it color is very nice too. I bet that it name is for the movie " The lord of the rings " hahaha
ResponderEliminarVale your birthday is one day after mine! jajaja I'm on November 3 :)! I love your dog <3
ResponderEliminarVale your dog is so beautiful, and i would really like to met Coyhaique